Saturday, February 23, 2013

No Safe Place in Kobe

I'm working on a song created from a journal entry that a friend of mine, Chizue Rudd wrote - a beautiful and terrifying account of being in an erthquake in Kobe Japan.  18 years ago when her daughter was 22 months old.

No safe place in Kobe
Waking up in the dark,  not knowing where we are, what is happening here.

A violent tremor rocks my world.  
 I feel the earth heaving upward and downward and upward,.
My daughter is crying, I am screaming  and running,   
My daughter is crying, I am screaming  and running downstairs, 
he grabs me, to stop me, 

from cutting my feet on the glass on the floor.
 I cannot see, but I feel many things on the floor.

 I stop walking around, before my bare feet found broken plates, and shattered glasses, flying cups all over the kitchen, dining room, living room. Oh there’s no safe place in Kobe.

For the next few days, it was freezing cold, so we put on all our clothes in Kobe.
Chizue/s creation
There is no power, no gas, no water,   
no diaper for my baby daughter, 

 no thing on the store shelves. There’s no safe place in Kobe.  We line up to get water.  We get water from river. No safe place in Kobe
Finally we move temporarily to a safe place in downtown Osaka.
Because the building has collapsed, His co-worker died,
 My ex lost his job,  No safe place to hide ...     in Kobe.

1 month later, he still has no job, we decided to move to US that was 17 years ago when there was no safe place in Kobe.

I am so thankful for everything I have right now.

My family in good health, safe place to live in America, plenty food to eat, a glass of water in my hand.

I will never forget this, I should not forget.
Waking up in the dark, not knowing where we are, what is happening here. 
I will not forget when there was no safe place in Kobe.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kindly I Nurture You in Living

                                     Video: Narayan Krishnan: Companion to the Forgotten

 As you know if you've read other posts in my blog, I have been searching for a definition of care that was universal enough to encompass all forms of care, and specific enough to describe what is actually done. About a year ago my friend Jeff Vanderclute posted a challenge. Tell a story in six words. My 'story' was a gift to myself. It was my six word definition of care: Kindly I nurture you in living. This man embodies human care for another.

When I think of care, I think of this man.He demonstrates all of the elements of human caring. Indeed he shows all of the elements of the kind of care essential to nursing as a spiritual practice. Nursing, as a profession, is offered to strangers outside ones family or friends. Nursing is caring for the basic needs of human beings, with kindness. Nursing is caring for whatever essentials for human living are missing. Nursing is driven by the needs of the Other. Ideally, nursing is given freely and willingly. Men and women have traditionally practiced loving kindness as part of some religious traditions.

In my own experience religious communities of men and women provide nursing care to the sick and impoverished. So I am honored to be able to share this video with you. Thank you Jana Szabo for bringing it to my attention.