Care is Like Water My work with care has spanned half a century. Care is essential to life on the planet. If we can begin to appreciate and be inspired by how care works in support of life, then perhaps we will listen to the wisdom of those who care for us and learn how to care for Our Mother, Earth.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
You are the Flowers in the Gardens of our Days
You are the Flowers in the Gardens of our Days
Kelsey CrooksJohnson and Brenna Parrick holding our two new future employees! |
Baristas and
waiters, baggers and checkers, store clerks, and bank tellers, workers and
You are the
trees of our community stirring up good
kindness fills my heart with a grateful
tune, So I’m singin’ this song for you.
You are the
flowers in the gardens of our days.
You are our
rest stops as we travel down our own pathways
So we thank you for the laughter and the happiness you bring
You are my inspiration to
find a new direction seek a higher vibration .
You are our garden tapestry enfolding our community
keep your kindness flowing like a river ever going.
Thank you for the light you shine in hard days and tough times.
Oh, and thank you for your patience when we can’t make up our
Thank you for the smile, the gentle laugh the
warm hello,
how ya
doing How’s the family, Glad you stopped by today.
especially for forgiveness when we can’t find a gracious word to say.
You buoy
up our energy as we go from place to place
everytime I see you you put a smile on
my face.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Jesus didn't die to save us.
Raffaello Sanzio - The Agony in the Garden |
Last night I
had a dream when Jesus came to me
Why was it
meant to be? In the garden his agony.
He said,
The day
before I died, I was in agony
I cried out
father, Oh God, Father;
take this chalice away from me,
Why was it
meant to be this agony?
in the
garden, in the garden I was in agony.
Lift this dark cloud off of me, Father I can’t bear it;
Take this
shroud away from me, Father I can’t wear it,
Not my will
but thine, I said, and by the morning I was dead.
Could the
death of a son of god have been a suicide by cop?
When Soldiers
came I didn’t hide,
It was by their hand this Jesus died.
They say I’m
Jesus the Nazarene,
Of the Jews, I am the king.
All my
friends were sleeping,
In the
garden I was weeping.
Just a
decade in the rosary, my agony,
it wasn’t
meant to be. This agony.
You make a
hero out of me,
you worship
me, adore me,
You pray to
me to save you by his amazing grace.
All the time
forgetting that the price glory
Is to bear
the pain of all the human race.
I’m not the
only son of god, perhaps the first but not the last.
They say the
good die young, they must, to let this chalice pass.
Many hearts
are broken now, many lives touched by
the blast,
First the
anger, then the bargain, then acceptance comes
at last.
They don’t
deserve to die
these brilliant stars in our night sky.
When the
concert is over, the sermon is done,
the heart
may lie empty, absent the sun.
He was a
kind, a gentle soul,
and he loved
all children so.
Let them
come to me, he said,
I will give them wine and bread.
He cured the
blind; he healed the lame;
and he took
on our human shame
Did he have
a motive? He was in agony
Did he have
a plan? Sure, They’ll hang him on a tree.
He gave them
opportunity, to kill him when only thirty-three.
They say, I’m
Jesus the Nazarene, Of the Jews,
I am the king.
It’s part of their make up, these brilliant night stars,
their lives like beacons,
that flame out in the dark.
When the concert is over, the sermon is done,
the heart may lie empty, absent the sun.
What if their friends had stayed awake,
What if they saw what is at
They didn’t know they were part of his plan,
their guilt and shame, came when they ran.
Jesus lived to love and show us; They didn’t kill him just to save us;
The concert was over, the sermon was done, the heart it lay empty,
absent the sun.
We’ll never know what might have been, had a friend been there for
RIP Robin Williams 8/11/2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
Today Robin Williams, took his life. Last month, a young woman well loved by many left behind a loving partner and daughter, her pain too great to bear. Last year the husband of my dearest friend took his life after a long chronic condition left him with intractable pain and vomiting. I wrote this piece with the intention of setting it to music. However, I feel moved to post it here. It speaks to pain and grief of those who suffer and of those who would do anything to lift their pain from the hearts. In my life, the love of my life was caught in the trance that would have ended in suicide had she not told me her intention. It is only Grace that she is here with me today, to stand together by the waterfall.
So alone, so all alone. Wound in your soul, a black hole.
black magic, its tragic, a dark spell is cast, holding you fast.
Feeling you slide into the dark night of the soul
I stay by
your side, day after day,
Your pain
weighs on me like a lode stone.
All my love
can’t heal your pain
Your sorrow
has become my shame
My hand
can’t hold your sorrow.
Your sorrow
has become my shame
Your pain
weighs on me like a lode stone
Here’s what
I need to tell you;
I cannot take
your chalice, from you.
my joy can’t
fill your cup
I pray that you
can give it up,
Let the wind
touch your face, feel the grass where you stand
For I can
never hold your sorrow in my hand
Look to the
mountain high and strong; look to the valley green
And pray for
the day when we will lie down by a quiet stream
Pour your
pain into the river, float on the river down to the sea,
Bless you child,
let the cool of the river wash your pain away,
Rolling rolling
down stream to the sea.
Sweeping the pain away, Feeling your pain slipping away.
Let the wind
touch your face, feel the grass where you stand
For I could
never hold your sorrow in my hand
Look to the
river cool and clear look to the aspen tall
I Pray for
the day when we will stand tall by the waterfall.
One minute
of your joy will fill me up, Pour your joy into my cup,
I want to
hear you laugh again,
Sing your
songs of hope again, just for a few minutes each day.
Eileen M. Jackson
Eileen M. Jackson
mental health nursing
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
The Unseen Moment
Comforting a family
In the darkest hours
Celebrating a new life
On the brightest days
Caring for those who
No longer can for them selves
Compassion for those whom
Society deems unworthy
A routine that seems
Cold and methodical
Can be recited by a heart
That is so full
Of humanity and mercy
That it almost daily breaks
Spilling out behind closed doorsAnd into soft pillows
Only to be sutured by the understandingOf an empathic companion
Who has also chosen to walk the path
Along a river forged by
The quiet tears of a Nurse.
by Laura Tarasoff
"I often see the tears of a nurse. Yesterday, stepping off the elevator I encountered such a moment. That inspired this."
My friend Laura wrote this beautiful poem that so captures
the experience of being a nurse. Thanks Laura for letting me
share this beautiful poem.
In the darkest hours
Celebrating a new life
On the brightest days
Caring for those who
No longer can for them selves
Compassion for those whom
Society deems unworthy
A routine that seems
Cold and methodical
Can be recited by a heart
That is so full
Of humanity and mercy
That it almost daily breaks
Spilling out behind closed doorsAnd into soft pillows
Only to be sutured by the understandingOf an empathic companion
Who has also chosen to walk the path
Along a river forged by
The quiet tears of a Nurse.
by Laura Tarasoff
"I often see the tears of a nurse. Yesterday, stepping off the elevator I encountered such a moment. That inspired this."
My friend Laura wrote this beautiful poem that so captures
the experience of being a nurse. Thanks Laura for letting me
share this beautiful poem.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
of nursing and mothering
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Nursing is one of the most misunderstood professions.
This is because much of what nurses do is invisible; it takes place within the mind of the nurse. Nurses observe patients, figure out what they need, whether with and without technical equipment. They see everything from noticing and smoothing wrinkles from under a patient, to locating a neighborhood where lead paint pollutes the dirt where children play, and advocating for clean-up. Nursing is seamless; there is no disconnect between the nurse's care, and the patient's experience.
Medicine and most of the healing arts are goal oriented, and are distinguished one from the other by their interventions: one does surgery, another dispenses medication, another does massage or reiki.
Nursing is not like these. Nursing is seamless vigilance; it is deciding what is necessary in the moment, being with the person, with the patient as they sail on through sickness on their journey towards health ebbing and flowing. Health is about how well we live within our changing environment. The patient's limitation in caring for self is the determining factor in how the nurse will be with the patient. Health is not based upon circumstances; it is dependent upon how we living beings respond or adapt to circumstances. Nurses are our allies picking up the slack, sometimes for perfect strangers in the most intimate of ways.
It is appropriate that Nurses’ Week leads up to Mother’s Day. Florence Nightingale saw nursing as women’s work. “Every woman is a nurse.”, She said. Nursing is an extension of the work of nurturing life.
Taken as a whole, women are traditionally found in positions where their purpose is to support the birth, growth, and life of a person, a place, or a thing.
Whether we are serving as mothers, teachers, domestics, herbalists, village healers, or community health workers, veterinary technicians, nursing assistants, teachers aids, secretaries, or nurses, women’s work requires attention to the hundreds of changes that occur in daily life.
Woman’s work varies in the amount of attention and action required moment by moment by environmental flux, both internal and external to the entity for which we are caring.
Women’s work is so basic to life that we don’t even
recognize that it is occurring,in our homes, our offices, our gardens, our
hospitals, or classrooms, our forests. Women’s work is the web of nurturance
that sustains.
Rianne Eisler described it as partnership and indeed it is. In my experience and my research it is not the man that is the partner of woman, it is the life for which she is caring. Together, the nurse and the life force with the support of men partner to keep life going forward.
Men’s work is to, build the shelter, fix the plow, the car or the body; slaughter the cow for food or chop down the tree for wood, watch out for the hostile intruder who might disturb the flow of life.
The work of men that is assistive to the continuous work of nurturing life not the other way around. Men’s work, is the model for the healing arts. It is goal oriented with a beginning a middle and an end.
Rianne Eisler described it as partnership and indeed it is. In my experience and my research it is not the man that is the partner of woman, it is the life for which she is caring. Together, the nurse and the life force with the support of men partner to keep life going forward.
Men’s work is to, build the shelter, fix the plow, the car or the body; slaughter the cow for food or chop down the tree for wood, watch out for the hostile intruder who might disturb the flow of life.
The work of men that is assistive to the continuous work of nurturing life not the other way around. Men’s work, is the model for the healing arts. It is goal oriented with a beginning a middle and an end.
Over millennia the work of men became dominant. Growing in status, without awareness of their effect on life itsself, men produced and produced until like cancer the products of men’s work metatastized. Disconnected from life they have become the enemies of future life. Growth unbridled and for its own sake, whether in nature, in society, or in economics, leads to death.
So as we celebrate Nurses’ Week and Mother’s Day it is my fervent wish that day by day, we see more clearly, love more dearly, and protect more fully this miracle of life that is our Home. May women’s work be seen for its essential contribution to our continuance as a species, and may men’s work continue to develop only in those ways that sustain life for all beings here on Earth.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Why I Have Not Prepared for Disaster
When a mountain fell down, there was no warning; or was
there? Geologists have done study after study and they knew the mountain would
fail some day and come crashing down. Loggers had cut away trees from the side
of the mountain decades ago and yes, even a short time ago just to the side of
the place that cut away a logging company got permission to clear cut. Yet, the
people felt they had no warning. The slide is 1 1/2 miles across at the top. But they called it Slide Hill! Here is an aerial photo showing the extent of the slide.
Courtesy Gov. Jay Inslee via Flickr. |
I understand. I have been pondering in my dreams what might
happen here where I live. I try to think what might cause us to evacuate? What
if we have no warning. What would I save? Is there anything aside from myself,
my spouse, Mary, my dog Miles Jo Cocker, my two cats, Lili and Dash that I
would try to bring with me?
What should I do to minimize the destruction? We have two
250 gallon propane tanks with open valves. Should I close them before leaving?
Should I turn off the water; trip the circuit breakers?
Is there anything that I should do, that we should do? I
have journals that I’ve been keeping since I was 16. They aren’t even in a box.
I could get a metal box and store them, or I could transcribe them.
My resistance to preparing for a disaster is as big as the
mountain that fell on the people who lived on Steelhead Dr.. Here is what it looked like before the slide. Now, the whole neighborhood is gone.
Steelhead Dr. before the slide. |
I resist even writing here about the potential of a disaster. A
great mountain of denial is protecting me from feeling the impermanence of this
creation of ours -- this living being we call Gaia of which we are only a small
part. We humans have built whole belief systems to protect us from our
vulnerability. We have become so
comfortable in our denial that we are unwilling to face the fact even as we
continue to over populate, over fish, over log. We would rather deny that we
have created the conditions to which Gaia is responding with big weather than
face our need to change the course of human civilization.
If I can’t even muster up the courage to call my neighbors together
to prepare for the earthquake we have been told by seismologists will come to
us, how can I expect those who are profiting in the trillions from our
civilizations depending upon big oil to give up their lion’s share of world’s
resources to give up their search for big oil and natural gas?
Do I have the courage to care for my neighbors, my own
legacy that is stored in my journals? I don’t have the answer. It is hard
enough to have posed the question.What about you? Are you willing to look chaos in the face and stare down your fear? I'm curious about that; let me know what you think.
For those families in OSO you have brought out the best in all of us here in Washington. I am sorry for your loss yet grateful for the compassion you have shown and the community you are forging.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Community Organizing the Woman's Way
“What we need beyond anything else, is a frame of reference, a model of cherishing care for the earth and all human needs. … Have we, then, another model? I believe we have. It is women’s unremitting care for their families and homes. “ Margaret Mead 1970
Nurturing requires watchfulness, gentleness, being awake and
discerning what is needed. Nurturing is continuous, responding to subtle
changes in the community so that what is needed to foster resilience is
created, discovered or otherwise manifested.
Nurturing requires intimate knowledge of the community, a
feeling for the organism. Nurturing is focused upon the present being of the
community always looking beyond the
present that the future may materialize.
Nurturing includes play and rejoicing, music, art, laughter and
beauty. These create resilient community and are nourished by a resilient
Community resilience
is nourished by good ideas, humor, events, plans, good conversation, random
acts of kindness, and a welcoming presence.
Resilience is seen in community gardens, thriving farms,
ride share programs, credit union meetings, and community owned cooperatives,
neighborhood tool sharing, and all efforts that support the health, the wholeness of
Nurturing requires a view of the organism as it is -- a
living interdependent whole greater than the sum of assembled parts.
Nurturing requires that we hold the sum of our knowledge
with respect. Science, common wisdom, direct experience all support our ability
to provide appropriate care to nurture the resilience of our community.
Nurturing requires foraging for those things which the community is lacking whether it is water or microloans or a source of affordable nutritious food or shelter.
Community organizing is just doing what is necessary.
You know how to do this if your mama taught you how to care for your family. The same principles apply. It is time to fearlessly take on the work of nurturing your community how ever you see it. If not you, who; if not now when?
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